
Magnify Glass
What You Get
  • Recruitment solutions that are proven to work
  • Job applications driven to your business 
Competitive Edge
  • Succeed in a sector where most competitors are slacking
  • Only target a high-quality talent base

Using digital marketing to recruit the best talent

When you want to increase business for a company, you need to take the time to recruit the best talent. The best technicians, executives, managers - your whole team - can become people who your clients trust to do business with, which leads them to trust your brand. SI EQ has developed effective ways to use TraDigital marketing to reach your target applicants and convince them to join your company.

Driving job applications to our dealers

At one point, SI EQ was helping our agriculture clients geofence their competitors with their marketing campaigns in hopes of providing leads to sales teams. Instead, we started receiving applications. We took advantage of this opportunity. As the need for technicians grew, we began to explore how to best reach and recruit prospective equipment service technicians for our ag dealers.

Using this approach, SI EQ provided more than 1,000 technician job applications to our John Deere dealers in one year.

Building recruitment solutions that work

Since then, SI EQ has implemented recruitment solutions that go beyond geofencing competitors. 

Through our Doppio® Data Explorer, SI EQ can identify and target qualified talent near your locations through digital marketing campaigns. We can produce high-quality videos that show off your work atmosphere and brand. Then, with data on audiences who specifically fit your job description, we can reach the best talent.

Finding the right staff for your solar, ag, or equipment company

While we started with technician recruitment campaigns, SI EQ has expanded our experience to include promoting a broad range of positions, including job opportunities in trucking, management, sales and parts.

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